We live in times of great change. Some refer to these times as VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. This being the case, a new breed of leader is needed. A breed of leader that understands that awareness of who we are and how we show up is the most crucial part of leadership, In this program, a network of leaders, committed to growth and development, will meet together in a professional learning community to engage with a unique mix of resources, group facilitation and coaching.
LeaderNET will:
Strengthen the foundation of your leadership
Grow your capability to influence positively, tapping into the potential and leadership talent of those around you
Develop a lasting and beneficial network of relationships with likeminded leaders
Deepen your self-awareness
Expand your leadership toolkit for current and future opportunities
Leader as Coach
Leading and managing people is not just about getting the results we need through the people we lead – it’s about how we get things done while also strengthening relational trust and people's confidence and capacity to reflect, learn and take responsibility for their own actions. This is the essence of a coaching approach to leadership conversations and relationships.
Coaching skills are no longer an optional extra but a critical requirement for formal leaders. By adopting a coaching approach, we can more effectively structure performance management and develop staff in their current roles and for the future.
This means letting go of being the expert fixer, advice-giver, and problem-solver for your staff, and learning to step back and enable them to discover and implement their own next steps. This in turn, assists us to hold people to account and delegate more effectively.
In these programs you will be exposed to:
New approaches to building self-awareness related to leadership impact
Tools for building positive workplace relationships and engaging others in committed action
Practical coaching tools and an opportunity to practice coaching skills
An approach to solving problems creatively and collaboratively
A deeper understanding of the role of dialogue, especially listening and questioning, in building shared understanding, real trust and commitment to action
The ability to resolve conflict, conduct ‘difficult’ conversations and influence performance
Powerful coaching models to engage and develop others while achieving outcomes and driving change
“From our teams perspective the program created a safe space of inclusion through a shared understanding and appreciation of our differences leading to greater empathy, communication and collaboration within the team. We achieved significant team shifts such as our morning stand up meeting, which has had lasting positive impacts. It’s a valuable investment in the growth and success of both the individuals and the collective team and we look forward to continuing to learn and grow through future programs with you.’
Jen Pearce
Director Red Earth Health Solutions
Assessment Tools
We use some or all of these assessment tools in our coaching and development programs as part of the program to unravel the personalities and types that exist in your organisation. Once we understand how people tick we can have better conversations and in turn create healthier organisational cultures.
The word Enneagram comes from the Greek words ennea (nine) and gram (points). It refers to the nine different Enneagram styles identified as the numbers 1-0. Each number represents a worldview and archetype that resonates with the way in which people think, feel and act and how they stand in relation to the world they live in, others and themselves.
Over the past four decades, the Enneagram has proven to be one of the most powerful tools in the coaching and organisational development environment. It not only provides fast track insight, growth and integration for individuals, it also gives durability and magnitude to the individual and team development journey over time.
Our Senior Consultants Clint Vawser and Travis Fitch specialise in delivering the Enneagram assessment solution.
Integrating the Field of Leadership with the most comprehensive 360° Leadership Assessment
The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) provides a detailed snapshot in time, enabling leaders to answer the question: “How are my behaviours and mindset enabling or constraining my intended leadership impact and our business performance?”
The Leadership Circle Profile is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains — Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. It measures underlying beliefs and assumptions—the habits of thought that run much of our behaviour. As leaders gain these insights, they have much higher leverage to make transformative change.
Read more information on The Leadership Circle
Culture Capture
What is organisational culture? Tough to define. Even tougher to measure and track…Until now. Oasis People and Culture have developed a survey tool that can be completed at an organisational and departmental level to create a snapshot and profile or where your organisation is at.
Based on a cultural model developed from more than 20 years of cultural engagement practice, this tool helps bring clarity to aspects of your culture and values.
Our Culture Capture tool offers insights that can lead to the development of a strong and healthy workplace culture. The benefits of this can includes:
Increased productivity and bottom line impact.
Customer satisfaction.
Satisfied and engaged workforce.
Lower turnover and rock solid staff loyalty.
Reduced absenteeism and waste.
Our Principal consultant Stuart Wesley specialises in cultural transformation in organisations.
Trust Survey
Trust is like the oil in a machine. It keeps everything running smoothly. When trust in teams and across teams breaks down, so too do the opportunities for high performance. Trust is a slippery subject because it is a judgement we make about others based on our experience and observations of their behaviour. “They are trustworthy” or “I can’t trust them”. Imagine being able to assess a team’s level of trust on an index or scale consistently across all teams.
Oasis People and Culture have been observing and researching the concept and impact of Trust in organisations and team for a number of years. Using models developed through the pivotal work of Alan Sieler from the Newfield Institute, we have created a practical tool to assess levels of trust in and across teams, organisations and even industries.
Being able understand a team’s Trust factors, knowing where their strengths and weaknesses lie and developing future strategies to build team trust, a group can quickly move toward high performance.
Barrett Values Assessment
Provides a deeper understanding of what motivates people in your organization, an objective diagnosis of what is and isn’t working, and actionable insights with a clear path forward.
DISCovery Reports
DISC Profiles take the guesswork out of understanding your personality and how to interact effectively with others.
What are your chances of connecting well with another person? On average, two people have about a 40% chance of experiencing a good personality match based on how their personality styles naturally fit together. That means that, most of the time, two people are likely to have a built-in challenge in relating well with each other – UNLESS they understand each other’s personality styles. Personal and business success hinge on effective communication with others.
Our DISC assessment and DISC profile report reveals your personality style and helps to guide you connect with others in a much better way.